The International Society of Obstetric Fistula Surgeon (ISOFS) is the leading international professional body for those engaged at the forefront of the prevention of obstetric fistula,  treatment and rehabilitation of women with fistula. It is the platform, where all fistula surgeons, organizations and personals committed to working for obstetric fistula in the globe, stands together with the goal to make the world fistula free. 

Our History

The International Society of Obstetric Fistula Surgeon (ISOFS) was initiated in 2017 in Addis Abeba by Catherine Hamelin and Biruk Tesfaye, dreamers that had a vision of a world where women could give birth free of fistula.

Since its creation, ISOFS has been able to:

?Hold the conferences almost every two years

?Engagement in various projects with partner organisations

?Have an individual committment with huge local impact

?Have surgical Trainings by members of ISOFS

?Produce resources (videos, books) by members

?Publish research papers by members

ISOFS Conferences

?2007 Addis Abeba, Ethiopia

?2008 Nairobi, Kenya

?2010 Dakar, Senegal

?2012 Dhaka, Bangladesh

?2014 Kampala, Uganda

?2016 Abuja, Nigeria

?2018 Kathmadu, Nepal

?2022 Maputo, Mozambique


Our Mission

ISOFS Mission is to promote the highest standards of obstetric fistula care for women in a safe, effective and ethical manner. To realize this mission ISOFS works in cooperation with the national and international health care providers, health/academic centers, providers and educators with expertise and commitment in obstetric fistula management.


ISOFS is an young organization, developed with few dedicated fistula surgeons from Africa and Asia. 

At present ISOFS has more than 300 members from all over the world, specially from Africa and Asia. ISOFS is working with several partners who are having same goal of improving quality of life of women.


Our Objectives

- To ensure high standard of obstetric fistula care services

- To play advisory role in treatment, prevention, rehab and research

- To promote professional standard and interest of its members

- To advocate and promote ethical practicies in fistula care

- To arrange training in obstetric fistula care

- To promote friendship and mutual learning among its members through scientific meetings

- To strengthen relationships with partner organisations

- To raise awareness about prevention and cure of obstetric fistula

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