Pre congress workshop on fistula surgery - inaugural session Link Date: Dec 9, 2024 and time: 08:00 AM Dhaka
The ISOFS 8th International Conference aimed to bring together the global fistula community to share experiences related to fistula surgery; Disclose the latest scientific studies in the field of obstetrics / gynecology and health - related areas; Share innovative and successful programs for the elimination of the obstetric fistula by 2030 following the SDGs targets; and promote the activities of the entire sector as a way to strengthen partnerships between governments, civil society, private sector and development partners.
We are delighted to send out the second announcement for the 2024 ISOFS conference in Dhaka, Bangladesh. As most of you surely have heard, Bangladesh has just gone through a difficult time. After several weeks of protests in July the government resigned at the beginning of August. In the meantime, an interim government has been set up and the country is stable again. New elections are not to be expected within this year, so that we believe it will be safe and possible to host the ISOFS conference in Dhaka as planned.
Announcement: SAVE THE DATE: ISOFS WEBINAR for International fistula day 2024 Date: 25th May 2024, 4pm GMT
The 9th International Conference of the Society of Obstetric Fistula Surgeons (ISOFS) in Dhaka, Bangladesh is to be held in December 9 - 13, 2024. The Pre-Conference meeting will be held on the 9 and 10 of December 2024.
On behalf of Focus Fistula Association, Dr. Igor Vaz invites doctors, surgeons and other specialists to take part in the training and treatment activities taking place in Mozambique during 2024.
Du to the worsening cases of COVID-19, the scheduled Conference for this month has now been shifted to November 2021.
The 8th International Conference of the Society of Obstetric Fistula Surgeons (ISOFS) will now be held March 10th - 13th 2021 in Maputo, Mozambique. Pre-Conference meeting will take place on 8th - 9th March 2021.
SOUTHERN AFRICAN ISOFS REGIONAL MEETING - MALAWI 2019 01/May/2019 Southern African Regional Meeting for Malawi is slated for October 2019.